Dude, you don't know what a cup of toast is? Classic.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Marshall Julius

Fascinating post. I use my dreams all the time. Last night’s was vivid and a mixed recollection of an excellent play, ‘Best of enemies’ that I just saw. They are also excellent places to solve puzzles if I can remember the damn solution when I wake up.

Some interesting dream imagery coming from new AI now. Some somewhat scary. But we always knew it would end like this, didn’t we?

Anyway, off to finish the excellent ‘Masters of make up’ book and do a few tweets on it.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Marshall Julius

[ I apologize in advance, for some of the emotional parts of this story]:

I was lying in bed. I had just woken up.

My girlfriend, her nickname is Sandy, was lying on on her stomach, grinning lovingly at me.

She looks sort of like the actress, Amy Adams, from the film, "Julie and Julia", except she has long, blonde hair.

She's wearing some kind of outfit, that looks similar to a black bikini.

She props her head up on her elbows, and says: "Hey hun! You're awake! We've had so much fun, during this week off. You always know how brighten my day, when I'm with you!"

I said, "Hey love! What's going on?"

She said, " You've been wanting to go to the countryside, like for...forever! Let's drive out there, and go to Phil's restaurant, and to the bookstore, and to the ice cream place, + just walk around town, and just have fun!"

I said, "That's a great idea!. Um...our doing a lot of yard-work, yesterday, has really made me tired! Could I sleep for about 3 hours, and then we can go for that trip?"

She then moved off the bed, + then she gave me a nice hug, and said, "Sure thing, hun. We always have a great time together! I'll see you then. I love you, my little Love!...I'll see you later today!"

I then fell back to sleep.

Later, I woke up again.

I got out of bed, + got a paper cup of water, from the kitchen.

I looked out the window, at the driveway, + then I was confused by what I saw.

I said to myself, " wait a minute! wasn't Sandy's car parked in the driveway???"

"...Wait- what does Sandy's car look like?"

I then- stood there, + closed my eyes in sadness, + crushed the empty cup, while tears ran down my cheeks.

I then said: "HOTDAMN it!!! ...Why did this happen???....

"....YOU were ONLY a DREAM!"

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